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Welcome to GUNVALD,
your health practice
for holistic, scientific
advice and treatment.

Our Key Focus Areas

- Integrative consultation for health problems or chronic symptoms

[such as arteriosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, overweight, inflammation, allergy, acne, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatism, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's, dementia, Alzheimer's, sclerosis, gastrointestinal complaints, digestive problems, Heartburn, constipation, fatigue, sleep disorders, mood swings, exhaustion, headaches, back pain, rash, migraines, ....]

- Individual scientific research into the causes of illness or symptoms

- Effective disease prevention and early detection

- Body analysis and consultation for long-term reduction of body fat

- Skin analysis and comprehensive treatment of skin problems​

- Consultation and treatment to delay the aging process


Discover our unique Practice

Your health in focus

We are aware that you are unique as a person! We offer a wide range of high-quality, health-related services. Our practice relies on a holistic approach, that takes your individual needs and living circumstances into account.

We offer you, especially if you come from abroad or live in Luxembourg but cannot come to our practice in person, the option of consultations by telephone, chat and even video chat if necessary

“The pursuit of health is a lifelong journey, which requires conscious decisions and actions to improve the physical, promote, improve and maintain mental and emotional health. We want to give you the tools and support you need, to embark on a lifelong journey to health and wellness.”


Share your honest opinion with us by email and we will publish it here. Regardless of whether your experience with us was positive or negative, we will thank you with a voucher! Please understand that for legal reasons your full name will not be published here.

"Ich dachte über ein Jahr lang, ich hätte long covid, da Ärzte diese Diagnose gestellt haben. Ich hatte viele Symptome und konnte fast nicht mehr arbeiten und richtig leben, sehr verzweifelt. Keine Medikamente halfen mir, und diese Psychopharmaka, die ich von Ärzten bekam, machten mir zusätzlich kaputt. Nach nur einem Beratungsgespräch bei der Praxis Gunvald wurden mir spezielle Laboranalysen empfohlen, die dann gezeigt haben, dass ich in Wirklichkeit eine andere Krankheit habe. Die Praxis Gunvald hat mich dann an einen Neurologen überwiesen, wo dann weitere Untersuchungen im Krankenhaus meine wahre Krankheit bewiesen haben, und ich die richtige Therapie bekam. Alles, aber kein Long Cov! Vielen lieben Dank an die Praxis Gunvald!"
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